Bunker Bunch

The owners, staff, and frequent customers at The AR Bunker (www.thearbunker.com) are avid shooters and gun enthusiasts. Collectively, we have decades of active participation in various corners of the shooting sports genre, as well as Military and Law Enforcement experience and training. This makes us uniquely qualified to form valid opinions on the products offered at the store. We believe these opinions and product information might be helpful to those who might read them here and/or might provide food for further thought/research on possible future purchases. So; we’ll be offering “informed” opinions and product information here from time to time.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Snake Oil:  is an expression that originally referred to fraudulent health products or unproven medicine but has come to refer to any product with questionable or unverifiable quality or benefit. By extension, a snake oil salesman is someone who knowingly sells fraudulent goods or who is himself or herself a fraud, quack, charlatan, or the like.  We’ve all been exposed – more so with the proliferation of the internet – to new products “proven” by “independent testing” to outperform the old tried-n-true products we’ve used for years. Occasionally, however, snake oil turns out to be penicillin, polio vaccine, or some other revolutionary improvement in its field, and such is the case with FrogLube.
Those of us in The Bunker Bunch are old enough to have encountered plenty of snake oil salesmen, and have heard all the claims of products that will “revolutionize the firearms industry.” We are all dyed-in-the-wool skeptics and were no less so when introduced to FrogLube. We were, accordingly, slow to join the fan club but we’re all on board now.

Now, there are lots of gun care products on the market which have performed admirably over the years, and each has its loyal following. “I’d never put anything but XXX on my gun. I’ve used it for years and never got a spot of rust or a failure to function.”  This is the kind of reaction several members of the bunch expounded when FrogLube was suggested to them by our most inexperienced member.  After a few months and some experimentation, we have all adopted this new chemical as our primary gun care chemical or at least an important addition to the mix.

Our first exposure to FrogLube was on a trip to the Sig Sauer Academy for training. One of The Bunker Bunch was first exposed when FrogLube was provided to attendees as a part of the training which involved cleaning and lube of the firearm used for the class.  The Academy instructor related that the staff there had been asked to evaluate the product as a part of its introduction and the instructors continued to use the product after the evaluation was over because it was noticeably superior (in their opinion) to the others they had been using. When news of this “great new product” was brought home to the rest of The Bunker Bunch it was met by the expected and normal “that’s snake oil” reaction by the more senior members of The Bunch.  Eventually, a tub of the paste was left on a cleaning bench and the “old luddites” gave it a try.  “Love at first sight” was a typical reaction.

One of The Bunch, ordinarily more resistant to change than the others, really wanted to like the product but refused to do so until he’d had time to give it a torture test of his own design.  The lube, and his cobbled together old Beretta “franken-gun” came through with flying colors. Mr. Conservative is now a FrogLube convert.

What we KNOW about FrogLube is that it cleans our guns as well as, and in some cases better than, any of the products we used previously.  It seems to have superior protective properties as well. Steel parts treated with the older “bluing” process tend to lose their ability to resist rust over time and with unavoidable wear.  When these parts are mildly heated to “open the pores” of the metal, then treated with FrogLube and allowed to cool slowly, the rust-resistance of the metal is increased dramatically. For newer firearms treated with modern coatings, steel can be exposed by scratching, chipping, or wear. We find that use of FrogLube in our normal, frequent, cleaning regimen leaves a protective film on these exposed areas preventing rust that would otherwise form.

On spots where metal meets metal during the normal action of shooting – particularly with semi-autos – friction causes wear and this is completely normal.  Quality lubrication minimizes this process and some lubes adhere to the surfaces better than others, diminishing the wear by reducing friction.  FrogLube excels at this task in both reducing the friction and in remaining in place for more cycles than its competitors.

Cleaning with FrogLube is not significantly easier or quicker than with the other popular general purpose chemicals we’ve used. It is inferior to some of the chemicals specifically formulated to remove lead or copper fouling from barrels, as are most general cleaning chemicals in these applications. The odor, however, of petroleum based products can be unpleasant at least, and almost sickening to some with sensitive olfactory systems.  “I love the smell of Hoppe’s” is a cliché to some and a cruel hoax to others.  What little odor FrogLube does have is “floral” and unobtrusive because it is not a petroleum based product at all.  It is also non-toxic so frequent hand-washing is not required – a real plus for those who keep Cheetos or popcorn handy at gun cleaning sessions.

The benefits of FrogLube in the area of cleaning and preservative powers are a bonus, however, over its main attraction for us; which is its significantly superior lubrication properties – especially important in semi-automatic applications. “Slicker than …” Insert your own comparison and you’ll have an accurate description of FrogLube’s ability to eliminate friction, which is a hindrance to optimal operation in many areas of semi-auto gun design.  Slide-to-frame, trigger-to-sear, barrel-to-bushing surfaces and other places where metal must slide against metal will benefit from the enhanced lubricity imparted by FrogLube. It is simply “better” than any of the other products we’ve used.

Not many of us will live long enough to actually “wear out” a gun, but even a small reduction in the amount of erosion in certain areas can have an effect on accuracy and reliability – not to mention the aesthetic effect and potential effect on resale value.

No, FrogLube will not change your life. It probably will, however, make your semi-auto pistols and rifles operate more smoothly, and reduce wear wherever it is applied.  Try it – you’ll like it; and it smells good.

Respectfully Submitted
The Bunker Bunch
October, 2014

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